Thursday, April 18, 2013

U.S. Dept. of State PRM and UN Refugee Agency visit Indy

Yesterday, we had the honor of meeting with Lawrence Bartlett, Director of the Refugee Admissions Office of the U.S Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration and Shelley Pitterman, Regional Representative of the UN Refugee Agency. Our staff joined Exodus Refugee and Immigration Inc. in the meeting. There, staff had the opportunity to learn more about the enormous effort and worldwide teamwork needed to help refugees. Amid the constant news of a world in turmoil, hearing about the global effort of so many entities to identify and resettle refugees was truly a ray of hope. Sitting in the meeting, with staff from across the world (some of them resettled refugees themselves) one was aware of a common bond between all men, a good will uniting us in the belief that we are all called to look out for one another, especially the most vulnerable. As all parties became more familar with each others' particular roles, we also discussed the future of resettlement and who the U.S. will be welcoming in the months to come. While the majority of our clients in Indianapolis have been Burmese in recent years, that will begin to change in 2013, with an increase of arrivals from Iraq. Also looking forward to a new life in our community will be the Congolese people. When you find yourself discouraged, wondering if there is any goodness left in the world, remember the kindness being extended by our country and so many others in an effort to care for the most vulnerable and invite them to a new home.

While State Department and UN officials were in town, they visited a company in Indianapolis making efforts to hire from among the Burmese population. Indy Star covered the story.

*Mike has been working with the Refugee Program since January of 2011. He currently serves as Outreach Coordinator.

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